New exhibition just opened in Fotografiska Museum of Photography in Stockholm, Sweden. The Echo Chamber explores the topic of how we connect to each other and don’t, an immersive experience with with images, text and sound. Step into my world in a new way!

In this exhibition, three different themes illustrate the complexity of human perception. Based on Erik Johansson's images titled The Echo Chamber, Filter Bubbles and Painting a World of Our Own, we have allowed each theme to grow out into the room. Here you will neither find answers to the big questions, nor a shimmering utopia. Here is an exploration of the power of perception where a shift in our own perspectives could open new paths to a brighter future.
In a world that seems increasingly polarized, full of tensions, we create a sense of comfort by constantly seeking confirmation of our preconceived notions of reality. In this way, we build echo chambers in groups or inflate filter bubbles around us. Things that seem true and universal are often just our unique perception of the world. Becoming aware of our limited perspectives and biases, there is a huge potential for change. By harnessing the power of perception, we challenge not only our own beliefs, but also the judgements and decisions we make based on them. If we manage to burst our bubbles and break the habitual patterns of thinking, we can together create a more inclusive society.
It may be hard to see, but when challenged and exposed to the plural possible futures that we face - we build a unique capacity: futures literacy, defined by UNESCO as “the skill that allows people to better understand the role of the future in what they see and do”. Whether aware of it or not, we use the future every day in ways that influence our way of thinking and behaviors in the present. Becoming futures literate, as individuals, communities, organizations, and nations, allows us to be more intentional about how we think about and act for what lies ahead. This requires challenging assumptions, exposing, and changing the mindsets underpinning current and future paradigms, to activate inner development and change. We can use the unwritten future as a tool to decode, un- and re-learn behaviors and biases, and confront our limited perception of the world. We cannot create what we cannot imagine. We risk reproducing only the presently imaginable, when what we want, and need, is the presently unimaginable.
Diverse perspectives, altering perception through interaction with others and inclusive societies underpinned by norms of inclusivity and legal instruments can pop individual bubbles and then support the breakdown of echo chambers at a societal level, we can then begin to paint a world of our own.
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
- Arundhati Roy
For enquiries about the artworks get in touch with us here: